Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Conflict in Ireland essays

Conflict in Ireland essays Conflict in Ireland. 1.)There are two main groups in Ireland, these being Republicans and Unionists. Republicans want Ireland to be free of British rule and for Ireland to be united within itself and have no connections with Britain. Unionists support the union of Great Britain and Ireland and want it to stay that way. Republicans believe that the conflict started way back in the history of Ireland. Observers believe that because Ireland has had a history of conflict then conflict is inevitable. The way in which people involved in the conflict use history can feed the views of people of the present day who are re-fighting battles of the past. However, the views of some historians is that the problem is not history itself but the way people use history. There is an important difference between what actually happened and the way that it is interpreted, and particularly the myths which develop from it. Another difference between the Republicans and Unionists groups is when the Anglo-Irish treaty of 1922 was released, this resulted in a bitter war when the British government partitioned Ireland and created Northern Ireland it caused controversy. Most Unionists didn't want partition, they wanted the whole of the country (including the countries made into Northern Ireland) to be independent of Britain. There was soon to be a war between Michael Collins and Arthur Griffith against other Nationalists who thought the partition was an unacceptable compromise. They didn't want Britain to help Ireland Ireland now because in the potato famine of 1845-51 Britain wouldn't help at all. 2.)The Easter Rising of 1916 is very important in shaping the views of Republicans, Unionists, Protestants and Catholics. It began in the spring of 1916- The IRB were concerned that the issue of Irelands freedom was being ignored because of the First World War. They thought that only armed act ...

Monday, March 2, 2020

The Most Popular Macy’s Interview Questions

The Most Popular Macy’s Interview Questions So you have an interview at Macy’s, likely for a retail position. Regardless of exactly what your role would be in the corporation, the rules of interview preparation are fairly standard. The first thing you’ll want to do is ready yourself  to answer the  interview questions that might come your way. Below, we’ve compiled some of the most popular from Macy’s interviews in the past. Prepare answers to as many as possible and practice, practice, practice before the big day. 1. â€Å"Why do you want to work at Macy’s?†If you don’t have an answer to this, you’re sunk. Oh, and your answer definitely can’t be: â€Å"I just really need a job.† Do some research into the company and come up with one or two things you really value or respect. Use this question as an opportunity to show your passion for the job you’re interviewing for, and to show them your commitment to their brand.2. â€Å"Why should we hire you ?†Having thoroughly digested the job posting, you’ll be prepared to explain exactly why you are perfect for this job- and in the very terms they put forth in the listing. You could try and also sell yourself to them as the ideal Macy’s customer, and show that you are already aware of their customers’ needs, making you  an extremely effective potential salesperson.3. â€Å"Describe an ideal customer service interaction.†Really have an answer for this. If you want to work in retail- or do already- chances are you have experience and with a bit of thought can come up with an insightful, honest answer about how you personally view customer service ideals. Remember to emphasize closing your sales, keeping the customer happy, getting the customer to return, going the extra mile, etc.- all the usual things you know to be successful retail strategies.4. â€Å"What is your favorite thing about fashion?†This is your opportunity to show your interview er again that you share interests with the company and would be an asset to their team. Talk about what fashion means to you, then make sure to pivot to how Macy’s is an ideal in this respect.5. â€Å"How would you handle an upset customer?†You might get this question or a more specific version, involving a particular scenario. Have a general answer prepared, but also be ready on your feet in case your interviewer asks how you would handle a specific situation. If you have your ideals and policies firmly in mind, you should be fine.6. â€Å"How would you go about selling me a Macy’s credit card?†You’ve been asked at check-out, probably multiple times. How would you do it? Keep in mind you’ll be required to and you’ll likely be rated on your ability to do so- this is a priority of your potential boss. Put yourself in the customers’ shoes and think what strategy would work best on you!7. â€Å"Why do you want this job?†Thi s question might be another way of asking why you want to work at Macy’s. Or it could be more specific. Why do you want this job?  Go through the posting word for word and have an answer prepared as to why you are a particularly good fit for this particular position. Emphasize how you could be an asset to the company and you can’t go wrong.8. â€Å"Talk about a time you led a team.†If your position involves any leadership, expect this to come up. Have a good anecdote prepared for a successful leadership role you assumed. Explain the outcome, what you learned, and how you plan to do even better in your next opportunity.These questions are based on actual questions Macy’s interviewees have been asked. Remember that any variants on these are fair game, as well as more specific, scenario-based questions you could not necessarily anticipate. Do your homework, ready your spiel, and be prepared for anything. Sell yourself as passionate about what you do (and, of course, about Macy’s as a company), and you’ll do fine.